Friday, January 22, 2010

Pretty typical, I think.

My name is Atlanta Osgood. Not Georgia, not Atlantic Ocean. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I can tell you alittle about myself.

I was born in La Crosse, Wisconsin on July 13th, 1988 (that makes me 21). I grew up all over the area, and even lived in Hawaii for a bit while my parents were still together. But when asked what my hometown is, I answer Mindoro. For those of you who don't know where that is, it's 30 minutes north-east of La Crosse (that's how long it takes me to get there anyway, probably more like 45 minutes for anyone who's never been there).

Like I said, my parents are divorced. They have been since I was 5, and I can't even imagine them being together. That would just be really friggin' weird. My dad, since then, has had 3 other wives, and this last one has stuck. Her name is Angela and I love her, even though I don't call her mom. That would also be really friggin' weird. My mom remarried one man, and now is married (legally in Iowa!) to Amy, my other step mom, who I also do not call mom. And I love her, too. So I consider myself one lucky girl, having 3 moms and all.

Now on to siblings. Jesse Lynn is my whole sister, who is now 19 and getting married to her highschool sweetheart this June(soooo jealous). Mercedes Kristin is my half sister (same dad, mom is my dad's second wife) and is going to be 14. She lives in Sparta with her mom. Justice Julia and Olympia Marie are my youngest sisters, who are 6 and 3, respectively. They have the same dad as me, and their mom is Angie, my dads current wife. So, yeah, my dad has 5 daughters, and is living proof that men determine the sex of the baby. I love my sisters all to death, whole or half.

Now my favorite part....MY SON! I still can not believe that I have a 4 month old. His name is Jack Thomas Stanton, and he's my little round-head :). He loves to eat and poop and laugh and no matter how pissed or sad I am, he makes me smile. His newest hobby is trying to eat my face, and he makes vicious growling noises while he does it. He was 9lbs. 14oz. at birth, and has had no problem growing since, seeing as how he's 20 lbs now. So he's my monster round-head, and is the best damn thing that has ever happened to me.

Now for hobbies and all that crap...I like to knit, sew, bake and cook (my mom calls me a "domestic goddess"). I like to swim, and I'm obsessed with music. Name just about any song out there and I know at least the lyrics to the chorus. I play violin, piano, clarinet, guitar, and bass. And I sing. ALOT. Like, all the friggin' time.

So that's me in a nutshell. Pretty typical, I think.